Sunflower Seeds Ukraine

Spread seeds of help.

Saving lives and reducing suffering in Ukraine.

Our mission is to provide medical aid and protective gear to small groups of defenders and humanitarian assistance to affected civilians.

We are a small, multinational, all-volunteer organization with team members in Ukraine and direct contacts on the front lines. With your support, we can provide flexible and efficient help where it’s most needed.

Your Help in Action

*We hide soldiers’ faces to protect their identity.

Our Projects

  • Protective

    We get a wide range of medical aid and protective gear to defenders on the front lines.

  • Tactical

    The tactical supplies we provide include binoculars, night vision goggles, laptops, and even drones.

  • Humanitarian

    We work with people and communities to support vulnerable villagers, kids, and their pets.

The Impact of Your Donations

Low overhead means high impact

We are a 100% volunteer non-profit organization, which means that all your donations go to purchasing and delivering aid, with 0% administrative overhead.

Since the beginning of the war, we have provided thousands of life-saving tactical medical aid kits and hundreds of protective and tactical gear items.

Worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, these supplies have helped numerous Ukrainian defenders at the front lines to resist the invasion.

We’re asking for your support

To help save more lives in Ukraine, please support our mission. It is never too late to donate, and everything counts!

Please give what you can to save lives.

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